Sunday, October 30, 2016

October Update!

Hello and Happy Sunday! I can't believe it is time for our October Update! This month flew by! Here's a look at some of the things that we learned about in October.


During the month of October, we learned about short i and short o word families! Students worked on reading and spelling words with the following word families: ip, in, ill, id, ock, op, ot, and more! Please continue to work on reading and spelling words with these patterns at home. Have your child try to find short i and short o words in the books that you are reading!

Here's some of our reading groups sorting short i words.

We also began some other components of our Daily 5 literacy activities during October.

One of my favorite parts of the Daily 5 is Read to Someone. Students love being able to sit down with a partner and read to one another from their book bins. It is a great way to build classroom community and helps students to build their fluency skills by reading aloud!

The other component of the Daily 5 that we began in October was Work on Writing. Students have a writing notebook and they get to write about anything that they want during Work on Writing time. Students can write about true things that have happened, things they are going to do, or even invent their own stories. Students really enjoy the freedom of the writing journals and they have the most wonderful ideas.

During our writer's workshop time, students worked on writing narratives. We published our narratives last week and students wrote a final copy of their writing. We are displaying the writing in our classroom right now! Students worked very hard to use their best handwriting and to illustrate their writing with a picture.


Here are some of the key skills that we focused on during math in October:
- Skip counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s
- Number writing to 100
- Telling time to the hour
- Counting nickels and pennies
- Adding and subtracting on a number line

Take a peek at some of the activities that we did to practice these skills!

We practiced skills in our mini math books!

We made mini books about nickels and pennies!

Students completed math centers about addition facts that equal ten.

These students are playing a time memory game and 
working on spacial skills with tangrams.

More practice making ten!

Field Trips:

At the end of September, we had our Fall Walk Field Trip! Students explored the Rowan Creek trails for the morning and collected items in a scientist bag! We had a picnic lunch at the end of the morning. It was a great trip!

We also had the opportunity to go to the fire station in October. Students got to go inside an ambulance and a fire truck. We tried on fire safety gear and tested out some of the fire fighting hoses. We even got to ride back to school in an old fire truck! What a fun morning!

I hope that you enjoyed this peek into our classroom from the month of October! Please contact me with any questions. Have a great day!